-Recent developments in damages and remedies for patent claims.
-Plausibility and obviousness in patents.
-Experts, common general knowledge and the role of the Court after British Gas.
-Second medical uses: the Lyrica case.
-Plausibility, added matter and sufficiency – three sides of the same coin?
-Negotiation of contracts and disputes – the mediator’s perspective
-Protecting shapes: design and trade marks
-Software contracts – minimizing the risk for your client
-Software contracts and IPRs
Hogarth Chambers is a set of barristers specialising in intellectual property. Many of its members have scientific or technical degrees and relish getting to grips with new technologies. Members of Hogarth Chambers have appeared in many reported cases and they write and contribute to numerous leading textbooks in the field of intellectual property. Members also regularly teach and lecture to students and other professionals.